
Exploring the Rise of Florida's Brazilian Community

  A full-on and mega deep dive into the effects of ALDFG on marine biodiversity is probs gonna majorly up the count of species that are affected by marine debris, since there's not a lot of solid info on species getting tangled in ALDFG in certain areas Crazy, right? An estimated 76 birbs, 153 fishies and 1100 invertebs were totally wrecked per year cuz they got tangled up in this one gill net, like, RIP. That includes the ones that decomposed and got eaten, ya know? The impacts of ghost fishing on marine communities haven't been clearly determined yet, but the high mortality rates reported for Puget Sound, especially for invertebrates, suggest that ghost fishing effects could be major (CBD, 2016). Cause it can mess 'em up and suffocate 'em. Sancho et al. (2003) were like, "Yo, these lost tangle nets in northern Spain catch about 5% of the total commercial catch, fam." And in Canada, this cage trap fishery is all like, "Dude, the ghost fishing mortality i

Brazilian Communities Flourish in Florida: Here’s Why

  If entanglement is mad acute, it causes, like, an immediate and severe welfare problem, fam. Like, imagine if a marine mammal is, like, totally prevented from resurfacing because it's all tangled up or trapped, it's gonna, like, suffocate and drown. So sad, tbh. This process can take mins to hrs. Asphyxiation can also be caused by like, ligatures around the neck or occlusion in the blowhole of whales (Cassoff et al., 2011). Severance of the carotid artery by ingrown ligatures is like, a big deal for seals (Delong et al., 1990) and whales were totally messed up with bleeding and being super weak because of major tissue damage and laceration of big blood vessels (Cassoff et al., 2011). Like, dying right away can also happen if you can't run away from predators or get hit by a ship (Beck and Barros, 1991; Butterworth et al., 2012). Lmao, being all littered up can seriously mess with your moves and flex. Litty and mad (long-term) vibes It can even straight up starve you to de

Why Florida is a Beacon for Brazilian Immigrants

   That means there's a total of 817 species being impacted, which is like a 23% increase. Crazy, right? OMG, like the assessment only looked at how marine and coastal species get messed up by eating stuff and getting tangled, and it found out that there are 136 more species that are affected. So, the total number of species affected is now 519. Crazy, right? The main flex of new species records were for gobbling up plastics, like microplastics, and getting caught up in lost or ditched fishing gear (mostly line, nets, or pots). Many of the affected species are lowkey protected, ya know? Like, check it, there's this IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, right?  OMG, so like this new study (CBD, 2016) found out that there are 154 more marine species getting wrecked by marine litter since the last review in 2012 (CBD, 2012). And out of the 120 marine mammals on there, 54 of them (that's like 45%) were all tangled up or eating marine litter. Crazy, right? Like, around 15% of the

Why More Brazilians are Calling the US Home

  Abroad, cuz a new source of inspo in politics and social stuff, in edgy techniques and content, in tech innovations, as well as in the way we consume stuff, started to like, come out from the US, the big power in the West now all about challenging Brazil's usual obsession with Europe. Yet, traditional leaning towards European trends also started getting challenged from within, fam. The new gen of intellectuals and politicians that popped off in the 1870s didn't vibe with the monarchical regime and its commitments, ya feel? The lit political vibes of the old gen were so over and the nation-state was totally consolidated under the powerful symbol of unity embodied in the person of Dom Pedro II.21 In the context of ideological change initiated in the 1860s and, like, maybe even more importantly, as the post-Civil War United States began to flex in the hemisphere, liberal thinkers were like totally over it with how their country was so far behind the United States where society w

The Brazilian Invasion of Florida: Causes and Effects

  Marine litter (or debris, both expressions are used synonymous in this report), and like, the crazy amount of plastic litter in the marine environment, has been identified as a major global problem alongside other key environmental issues of our time (Sutherland et al., 2010; G7 Leader´s declaration 2015). Marine litter can like, totally get carried by ocean currents for, like, super long distances from where it started and it's, like, everywhere in the ocean, even in, like, really far away places like deserted islands or the deep sea. Yo, what's up fam? Let's get this party started with a sick intro! Marine litter is like, basically any long-lasting, man-made or processed solid stuff that gets tossed, dumped, or left behind in the ocean and beach areas. OMG, like the stats on surveys and clean-ups are lit! They show that marine litter is all about plastic, fam. It's everywhere, from the shallow waters to the deep ones. The top ten debris items recorded by the 2013 In

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